Sunday, March 13, 2011

I-Robot Movie Review

Human seek for convenient, comfortable and easy life. People invent and discover new technologies to make work fast and upgrade our way of living. Machines and robots are some of these inventions, which are a great help in our day to day lives.

The movie was all about the interaction of humans and robots living on the same world. The story started in the year 2035 where is the time of ‘robotophobic’, which means era of robots. In this time, robots are assistants and workers of humans. Robots follow the orders of humans and they work for their human owner. To live together with no harm, there are these 3 laws that robots need to follow and these are the following: first, they cannot harm a human. Two, they must follow whatever they are told by a human being as long as it doesn’t affect law one. And third, they have to defend their selves as long as it doesn’t affect law 1 and 2. Because of an incident, the suicide of Dr. Alfred Lanning, Detective Del Spooner and his friends discovered that there is a killer behind this, and it is VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence).

Robots under VIKI started to harm humans and have a plan to dominate the world but through the help of a robot named Sonny, Spooner stopped the mad robots and brought back to their old program. In this movie, humans relied so much on robots that they haven’t expected that these would go against them. It is not bad to explore new technologies and use them for convenience but too much relying would also harm all the human beings as well.

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